Sunday, March 3, 2013

Argentinian Theatre & Lola Arias

Argentinian Theatre

  • Buenos Aires is one of the worlds theatre capitals.
  • The 1874 murder of Juan Moreira, a persecuted troubadour, provided dramatists with a new hero. Possessing all the elements of tragedy, the anecdote inspired Eduardo Gutiérrez's 1884 play Juan Moreira, and the work made the gaucho, the inspiration for the Argentine stage in subsequent years.
  • The 1897 relocation to Argentina of Spanish theatre producer María Guerrero, and her company, popularized professional stage theatre in the country.
  • 50s – realism, 60s – theatre of the absurd

Lola Arias

Lola Arias was born in Buenos Aires in 1976. She is a writer, theatre director, performer and song composer. She is the co-founder of Compania Postnuclear, an Argentinian group of interdisciplinary artists. Her texts explore the boundaries between reality and fiction, using biographies and real documentation in a surreal or poetic way. In her plays she works with actors, non-actors, dancers, singers, children, babies and animals. Lola Arias has been working with Stefan Kaegi on various projects, such as "Chacara Paraiso", an installation in a skyscraper of Sao Paulo showing biographies of policemen and their families and "Airportkids" (2008), a play with nomad children. Her trilogy "Striptease", "Sueno con revolver" and "El amor es un francotirador", directed herself, had its European premiere at steirischer herbst in 2007. Her work has been translated into English, French and German. Lola Arias 

Notes on her work (Striptease):
  • Liked the staging
  • Dialogue seemed spontaneous and natural
  • Disturbed
  • Everyday life - relatable
  • Uncertainty of life choices
  • Immaturity of adults - insight
  • Tension - assuming story
  • Sad - natural dialogue but baby between them - very real

  • Don't know what to think
  • Scared
  • Contrasts between characters played well with each other
  • Atmosphered made her uncomfortable
  • Too vague - no structure, found it sad, depressing
  • Good acting
  • Strange
  • Actions were strongest point - help to understand characters
Forced entertainment: "Nothing makes sense because the world doesn't make sense."

  • Liked the boxes (safe, personal environment)
  • relatable, nice & comforting
  • good ideas
  • exploitation?
  • imagination, happiness, children, snails

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