Saturday, March 2, 2013


What it is

The viewpoints is a technique of composition that provides a vocabulary for thinking about and acting upon movement and gesture. Originally developed in the 1970s by choreography Mary Overlie as a method of movement improvisation, The Viewpoints theory was adapted for stage acting by directors Anne Bogart and Tina Landau.

Anne Bogart 

Born September 25th, 1951, Anne Bogart is a prolific and award-winning American theatre and opera director. 
  • she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Bard College in 1974
  • then a Masters of Arts degree from Tisch School of the Arts in 1977
  • in 1992 she founded SITI with Tadashi Suzuki, of which she remains Artistic Director
  • between 1980 and 1992 she taught at various colleges and universities
  • since 1992 she has given workshops and master classes around the world

Actors talking about The Viewpoints

"It's difficult to describe working with the viewpoints in words. It's like breaking the barriers of your mind and letting your body follow. It's changed the way I approach work more than anything else. Particularly if you're working on something very structural like a film for instance - to find freedom within the structure is very challenging." - Lisa Welti, actor
"The viewpoints allow an actor to create a 'physical' script, an invaluable asset when conventional means of entering a theatrical world are difficult financially or emotionally. They are the finest enhancement of an impossible test, begrudging character, or totally inappropriate song can be blessed by." - Megan Spooner, actor
When in doubt:

  • Be someone's shadow
  • Make a diagonal
  • Repeat others' gestures
  • Use pillars
  • Use corners
  • Stand too close/too far away
  • Chase someone
- Sheryl Dodd, actor


Our Progress 

First session: Apparently we're good for a group new to viewpointing. Loved imagining how it must look to the audience - I tried to use angles and patterns.

Developed viewpointing more - used floor pattern and eye contact. I felt we made interesting and visually pleasing movements and decisions.

- Exact copy
- Transfer
- Transform
- Recycle

Architecture - hold a bar then let go, keep position of holding, others imitated
Stories - short, sharp movements, conflict, emotion, appearances
Outside sounds & kinesthetics - act like you're scared of them, run faster, be breathless
Run simultaneously
Eye contact with others, connections, distances
Change perception of space, don't stop running at edge of space
Listen to heartbeat

Devising for Dido and Aeneas:
Using viewpoints to explore and explode the opening of Dido and Aeneas:
- duration and flow worked well with music
- opening door transformed the space, gave insight into outside world
- treat chairs gently - for chorus

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