Sunday, March 17, 2013

'Melancolias y Manifestaciones' & The Suicides process

I enjoyed this documentational piece featuring Lola Arias and her ensemble of amateur actors. It was visually something special, the use of projection, screens and lights were well designed and interesting. I now believe more than ever how effective projection of film within plays can be.
Our use of projection is one of the best visuals in The Suicides at the moment. The videos sourced of motorbike races and the asphyxiation games fit brilliantly with the smoking scene and the fast paced scene 2, and compliment an otherwise overly direct text.
We used a red gel in rehearsal today, and I thought the pink light used in Melancolias gave a brilliant garish glow to the karaoke village hall style dance scene. Coloured lighting works well in these types of pieces, as it gives a slight fantastical edge to the non-fiction stories.
We did all agree that Lola wanted us to do her play exactly her way, but we wouldn't be able to enjoy ourselves as much if we did that. From watching Chapito, I understand how important loving what you're doing is when it comes to theatre. Therefore, we're going to put some of our ideas into the play, not just stick to her stage directions.

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