Sunday, March 17, 2013

Oedipus - Chapito

The adaptation of Oedipus by Chapito theatre company gave me lots of ideas about theatre:

  • They showed how play is important - the director stated proudly that they would go into rehearsal without any idea of what they were going to do, and would just improvise once they got there, indeed he does this with a lot of his plays.
  • The result of this is something fun, clever and extremely energetic. In fact, the plays by Chapito I've seen so far have been the most energetic pieces I've seen. I think this is because the actors aren't repeating a series of lines and blocking in rehearsal, following a script's stage directions, until they're bored of it. This comes out eventually on stage.
  • We felt involved in the play, it was friendly and humorous. The fact that it was almost completely devised through their playing made something brilliant. The director allowed his actors to make spontaneous decisions and let their creativity flow, and the result was a piece in which some bright and unique ideas emerged, and the performers genuinely enjoyed their work.
  • The most brilliant thing in their plays is the transitions between scenes. They never once use a blackout, which makes a play a thousand times better, and the flow of the piece was impressive. The transitions would seem like nothing, last maybe a second, and they would flawlessly move into the next scene in a feat of physical unison and control. 
  • The beauty of the transitions made me think of how important they are, they can easily make or break a piece. Spending time working on the transitions between scenes is definitely worth it, instead of sticking a blackout there.

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